Ordained: June 6, 2008
Family: Happily married to wife, Dede, since 1975; 4 grown children - Beth, Justine, Francis, Claire; and 6 grandchildren
Retired: (1) Naval Officer (20 yrs); (2) High school teacher; (3) Parish Business Manager
Home parish: Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Bonita, CA
Assigned parish: Holy Redeemer by the Sea Catholic Church, Kitty Hawk, NC
Hobbies: Gardening, making the Gesso boards for my wife, who writes icons
When did you first consider a vocation to the permanent diaconate?
A Navy chaplain suggested to me that I should consider becoming a deacon in 1980, while serving in Naples, Italy. That thought stayed with me until we moved back to San Diego in 2002—after living overseas for many years because of my naval service and my wife’s assignments in the Foreign Service—when I finally began the discernment leading to my ordination in 2008.
What is your favorite part of being a deacon?
I have enjoyed all aspects of my diaconal service, but I particularly enjoy baptisms.
What would you say to someone considering the permanent diaconate?
To anyone considering the diaconate, I would say that the ministry is a blessing, but it’s important that you make the decision as a couple because your wife must fully support your ministry.
What surprised you the most about the permanent diaconate?
The most surprising thing was the change in the way in which some people interacted with me, or I suddenly had a different level of authority, i.e. “The deacon said…” Me, mentally shaking my head!!
What is the most joyful revelation you've had about the diaconate since your ordination?
Being able to help people through difficulties and praying with them has also been very a beautiful blessing.
What is your favorite scripture passage?
My favorite Gospel passage is Luke's Road to Emmaus, because it shows that from the beginning how Jesus makes himself known to us in the Breaking of the Bread, the Eucharist!
Who is your favorite saint and why?
My favorite saint—there are many that inspire me, but if I had to choose one, I’d have to say it was St. Francis of Assisi, because he was so humble yet so strong in his faith.
Is there anything else you want people to know about you or the diaconate?
I am very grateful that I am allowed to serve the community of Holy Redeemer.