While the Diocese of Raleigh was fortunate to be spared the impacts of Hurricane Ian, the faithful across eastern North Carolina answered the call to provide for the immediate and long-term disaster recovery response to the devastating Category 4 hurricane. Bishop Luis Zarama asked that parishes each make a special appeal to support the USCCB Bishops Emergency Disaster Fund to support Florida’s recovery. Parishioners responded by donating $76,183.58 in relief funds to this effort.
In addition to the recent Hurricane Ian recovery response, the faithful in the Diocese of Raleigh have continued to generously support ongoing relief efforts in Haiti and also from the tornadoes that affected areas in Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas and Missouri here in the U.S. More than $187,000 has been collected in total for Haiti relief and nearly $135,000 for U.S. tornado relief.
“Know that I am grateful for the continued generosity of our people in recognizing and responding to the needs of others in Eastern North Carolina and around the world,” Bishop Luis said.
The funds collected in these appeals will be used to support the pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church as well as the efforts of Catholic Relief Services and/or Catholic Charities USA, the official relief agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church, as they and their local agencies respond to immediate emergency needs and aid in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts. As a reminder, those individuals interested in helping with local disaster recovery efforts in North Carolina are encouraged to visit www.CatholicCharitiesRaleigh.org/disaster.