Monsignor David D. Brockman, pastor of Saint Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church in Wake Forest, dedicated the Saint Catherine of Siena Memorial Garden on January 14, 2018.
The garden is a sacred place for the burial of cremated remains of loved ones and friends and is located on a hill behind the parish church. Phase I of the garden consists of three sections: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Saint Anthony of Padua and Saint Francis of Assisi. There are 40 niches in each section, and each niche holds the cremains, in brass urns, of two individuals. A twelve by twelve engraved granite marker covers each niche.
The garden is unique because the cremains are in the ground and not in a traditional columbarium wall. There is a walkway around the site for the Stations of the Cross and a large crucifix will be placed in the center of the garden. Both Stations of the Cross and crucifix are Eagle Scout projects in progress.
The memorial garden is designed to be expanded and will eventually consist of 26 sections and a pavilion structure, complementing the architecture of the church. Ample parking and benches for family and all visitors to the sacred place will provide a serene setting on the parish grounds for visitors to pray and remember a loved one who is interred in the memorial garden.
For more information on the Saint Catherine of Siena Memorial Garden, kindly call the parish office at 919-570-0070, or stop by the parish office at 520 West Holding Avenue in Wake Forest.