All humans are made in the image and likeness of God, and part of our evangelical mission is to help people discover their own dignity so they can see the love God has for them and can then love their neighbors as themselves (cf. Luke 10:25-28). This message is at the core of Pope Francis' 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’, which invites every person living on this planet to consider an integral ecology that respects human and social dimensions—to consider both the poor of society and the effects of pollution and climate change.
In this video series, Father Scott McCue, pastor of St. Thomas More in Chapel Hill, discusses appreciation for God's created world, the holiness of creation and how we are called to practical stewardship. For more information, visit the St. Thomas More Parish Laudato Si' Action Platform and this list of resources. The diocesan Human Life and Dignity ministry also offers information and a presentation on its Care for Creation page.