Liturgy for Special Needs

USCCB Evangelization and Catechesis for People with Disabilities - Resources for welcoming disabled parishioners, a disabilities video series, guidelines for celebrating the sacraments with disabled people, and a webinar about teaching prayer to disabled people.

LAMB Assessment (PDF) - Language, Accessibility, Meaningful Participation and Belonging guide to inclusive participation from the National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities

Physical Disabilities Access Survey (PDF) - Analysis tool for doorways, ramps, elevators, lavatories, drinking fountains, usability of rest rooms and more for persons with physical disabilities in parish facilities.

Opening Doors of Welcome and Justice to Parishioners with Disabilities, a Parish Resource guide from the USCCB

Suggestions for Bulletin Announcements (PDF)

Suggestions for Prayers of the Faithful (PDF)

Guide to the Mass for Visual Learners - A pictorial guide to Mass, to purchase for people who are visual learners.

Making Worship Services Accessible to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities - Accessibility suggestions for persons who are hearing impaired.

Sacramental Guidelines

Guidelines provided by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on the preparation and celebration of the Sacrament with persons with special needs and disabilities:

Guidelines for the Celebration of the Sacraments with Persons with Disabilities (USCCB)

Orientaciones para la Celebración de los Sacramentos con Personas con Discapacidades